Treating Acne with Nutritious Food

    Treating Acne with Nutritious FoodAcne comes when androgens increase and produce keratin and sebum excess. Consequently, clogged skin pores and skin infections came alias acne.

    But do not worry, acne can be lost. Nutritionists say, in addition to intensive skin care, nutritious food is also important to maintain healthy skin.

    Foods rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and essential fatty acids is a 'cure' effectual avoid acne. Carrots, peppers, and vegetables and fruits are yellow orange contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and minerals that are highly effective against skin infections.

    Beans and other legumes vegetables are good sources of vitamin B that your body needs to balance hormone levels. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is able to maintain healthy skin and prevent premature aging.

    Vegetables and fruits help the healing process of acne. This source of fiber foods keep functioning large intestine (colon) and reduce the accumulation of toxins that cause acne.

    The food is too much experience processing and saturated fat should also be avoided. Therefore, these foods can disrupt the balance of hormones in the body system.

    balance your hormones in a way to overcome stress quickly and wisely and rest adequate sleep quality and quantity.

    I hope the article about Treating Acne with Nutritious Food can be useful for you - Posted By Lifestyleholistic Team.