How to Blend Skin Hand

    How to Blend Skin Hand - Skin hand that is not covered by clothes will be easier to dry and become grainy. What should I do? Dry skin of hands would not be fun when in touch, not only by yourself but also others.

    So that it does not happen, here are some ways to soften the skin of your hand.

    - Puree Perform hand skin scrub or scrub 1 week could also keep the skin area to keep your hands soft and moist. But you do not forget to apply lotion to protect your skin from the sun while outdoors.

    - Daily Care Like skin, leather hand also need to get treatment every day. You can treat the skin by applying hand lotion after you wash your hands soft. Instead, wash your hands and avoid using cold water to wash your hands with hot water.

    - If dry skin care dry skin of your hands, you can try the following treatments. Take 1 cup of warm water, add 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Wash your hands using the mixture, then rinse with warm water. Then dry and apply a moisturizer on your hands. In addition, you can also do evaporation (steam) on your hands using warm water vapor. Enter the warm water in a bowl, then put your hand on it. This method is able to smooth the skin dry and chapped skin. How then, sayatlah aloe vera leaves. Rub aloe vera liquid is at hand. This can also be done to treat burns.

    - Keep Skin Moisture Wear gloves while doing heavy tasks or in direct contact with the detergent. It is useful to minimize the effects of chemicals or heavy objects friction with the skin of the hands. Use lotion while in the air conditioned room for too long. Because air conditioning can also make the skin dry.