Tips on Maintaining Weight Gain After Marriage

    Tips on Maintaining Weight Gain After Marriage - Not a few women whose body fat after marriage. Many factors can affect weight gain in women who are married. To maintain ideal body to stay, check out the following tips that will help you maintain your weight after marriage, as quoted from the All Women Stalk.

    1. Sports Joint Husband
    In addition to the more intimate, working with her husband to control your weight. Generally, many newlyweds gain weight after marriage. To fix this, start training together regularly. Keep track of your progress to know the benefits of exercise together.

    2. Keep your food intake Stay Healthy
    Too much junk food or high fat foods because lust moment. Eat foods that are healthy for your body to get the vitamins and minerals it needs so that it can function properly. Also, make sure you eat adequate portions and watch your intake of the nutrients needed by the body.

    3. Fixed Activity
    Maybe you are a woman who is not allowed to work after marriage by the husband. However, that does not mean you actually lazing at home. It can trigger weight gain. Try to keep your body active or busy themselves with various activities such as sports, running a hobby, or a walk that can shape your body. The more activity, the less likely the weight will go up.

    4. Stay away from Bad Habits
    After marriage, try a healthier life. Do not let your bad habits make the body trapped in fat deposits. When off, keep activity. Both activities should find a partner, such as managing the home together, go to the gym, and other activities that make the body move much.

    5. Cook at Home
    In addition to fun husband, cook their own meals will keep you from unhealthy foods. You can plan a diet rich in protein and vitamins for your body and your fitness partner. Therefore, cooking is enough activity helps control weight.

    6. Note the appearance
    Before marriage, you really keep up appearances, especially in front of the couple. But once married, you'd look cool with day-to-day so your body does not realize that the 'wide'. For that, consider your appearance so that weight under control.

    7. Keep Healthy
    Stress and fatigue can lead to weight gain. Life after marriage is heavier than when she was single. Therefore, you must take care to implement a healthy lifestyle as a couple. If necessary, come to the doctor regularly for health checks. - Tips on Maintaining Weight Gain After Marriage