Benefits of Oranges

     Benefits of Oranges

    Prevent and Protect Aging Skin

    Sweet ripe orange with bright orange flesh is rich in beta-carotene. Reported by Sheknows, citrus contains beta-carotene. Health experts often say that beta-carotene is one of the antioxidants that are good for eye health, prevent aging and maintain healthy skin from dangerous sun rays.

    Keeping Endurance Body

    Citrus fruits have long been recognized as an immunity that can protect the body against diseases caused by viruses or bad weather. The amount of vitamin A and vitamin C in oranges can keep the immune system, maintain free-radical damage.

    Preventing Stroke in Women

    A study from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, England, shows that the risk of stroke in women due to blockage of blood vessels can be decreased by 19 percent if they diligently eating foods rich in flavavon. Flavavon is one type of water-soluble flavonoids. One fruit that is rich in flavonoids is orange.

    healthy Heart

    Oranges are eaten directly (or juice without added sugar and other ingredients) containing flavanones are also good for maintaining healthy blood vessels and heart. Vitamin C contained in oranges also can keep the heart from the deadly disease. In the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry stated that eating one grapefruit daily can lower cholesterol as much as 15.5 percent and triglycerides by 27 percent.

    prevent Obesity

    The results from the University of Western Ontario indicate that it contains citrus nobiletin. These substances can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, preventing the buildup of fat in the blood vessels, and can keep a person from being overweight. There are some fruits that also contain nobiletin, but the citrus nobiletin more.